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Reports and outputs from the PFER and ReFLEX project.

Orkney Energy Audit

The Orkney Energy Audit quantifies Orkney’s energy sources, forms of energy storage and energy uses. It builds on a previous audit in 2014 and was produced as part of the ReFLEX Orkney project in 2019.

PFER - insights and fact sheets

Regen were commissioned to work with the PFER-funded demonstrator projects and identify the main findings based on their experience. Three short ‘insight brief’ reports have been produced:

PFER also published a project fact sheet and lessons learnt for innovators, summarising the progress and barriers encountered:

Energy Systems Catapult ERIS (Energy Revolution Integration Service)

ERIS was created as part of PFER to facilitate knowledge sharing with the PFER participants and the wider system stakeholders and generate evidence-based insight reports to inform decision makers. Three portfolio reports have been published taking the high level outcomes and insights from the evaluation of the detailed design and demonstrator projects and promote the benefits and results of the PfER programme. These reports showcase the work that has been done across the PFER projects and enables others to start and deliver future SLES projects.


EnergyREV is part of the Prospering from the Energy Revolution programme, leveraging academic expertise, previous research, and international networks to inform the future plans for delivery and scaling of PFER projects; integrate knowledge from global activities in the PFER programme; and provide systematic research and analyses of longer-term requirements and innovations. A series of insights reports have been published:

National Centre of Energy Systems Integration (CESI)

The following reports were supported by the by EPSRC National Centre for Energy Systems Integration (CESI) and the ReFLEX Orkney project.


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